Here is the dancing chef Miggi's Blog. English go to
敬請收聽 舊金山星島中文電台FM96.1 每週四早上Am 7:30-8:00. 『Miggi的廚房,吃喝我最大!』有好酒、好菜、好時光!


    在歐洲有些提供工藝烘焙麵包(Artisan Bread)的餐廳,點麵包是要另外付費,而不是隨餐附贈,而且探討起技術麵包的製造過程,這項收費絕對合理,而一條技術烘焙麵包其實是可以成為一餐的主角,充滿風味的麵包配紅酒做為起頭,用麵包沾起留在最後主菜盤上的剩餘醬汁,是名附其實的主食。


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Food lover! A gourmet ! You want the best food that you can find. Enjoy the life with dancing, music, opera, Richard Mcdonald, Antoni Gaudi and Max Ernst's works.

By roasting your own coffee beans, you will not only drink the best coffee every day – you will pay half of what you do now for beans at the coffee shop!

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