夏天檸檬盛產時,在Miggi的廚房飯後最適合來一杯幫助消化的檸檬酒,整瓶放冰箱,需要喝時就徹底的冰涼,真是過癮,也可以加入冰淇淋、甜點、蛋糕,水果沙拉拌入一些Limoncello也很棒喔。Limoncello is the best summer drink after dinner.
義大利檸檬酒Italian Limoncello
- 10顆粗皮檸檬,只取檸檸表皮黃色部份,這點很重要,因為白色部分會使酒變苦。
- 將檸檬皮泡在整瓶的純穀類酒750-ml(照片如下)亦可用Vodka(味道會有些許不同),約至少10天,最長30天。
- 10天(最長30天後),煮開3.5杯水加入2.5杯的糖,糖水放涼後加入泡了10幾天的檸檬皮加酒。
- 置消毒過的玻璃瓶內,放在涼爽室溫處,約10到30天後。
- 過濾掉檸檬皮(用咖啡濾紙),裝瓶(消毒過的玻璃瓶)即可。
- 可放冰箱,飲用時冰涼更好喝。
- 10 lemons
- 1 (750-ml) bottle Everclear Grain alcohol or vodka
- 3 1/2 cups water
- 2 1/2 cups sugar
- Using a Lemon zester, remove the peel from the lemons. Do not take the white pith from the lemon beause it will give end product a bitter taste.
- Place the lemon peels in a 2-quart pitcher. Pour the Everclear Grain alcohol or vodka over the peels and cover with plastic wrap. Steep the lemon peels in the Everclear Grain alcohol for 10-30 days at room temperature.
- Stir the water and sugar in a large saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Cool completely. Pour the sugar syrup over the Everclear Grain alcohol and zest mixture. Cover and let stand at room temperature for another 10-30 days.
- Strain the limoncello through a mesh strainer or coffee filter paper. Discard the peels. Transfer the limoncello to bottles. Seal the bottles and refrigerate until cold
純穀類酒Everclear 151 Grain Alcohol (750 ML)